entretien arbres

In an urban environment, trees require proper, regular maintenance in order to grow, remain in good health and maximize their longevity. On top of that, if they aren’t maintained, they can represent a risk to the people and infrastructure (such as electrical wires, buildings, balconies, cars, etc.) around them.

It’s strongly recommended to call on the services of a professional arboriculture company that avails of the specific knowledge, skill and equipment that are necessary to perform the work safely and in such a way as to respect the natural growth of the tree.

Various tree maintenance solutions

To maintain your trees, professional arborists adapt to each individual situation to ensure that they take the most appropriate measures. First of all, they conduct a full, detailed visual inspection of every tree to assess your arboriculture needs and detect any possible diseases, for example, the presence of fungi, so they can determine the most suitable course of treatment. In general, the inspection is done in the spring (before the leaves appear) or autumn (after the leaves have fallen), as this allows the arborists a clearer view of the tree’s structure.

Principal maintenance solutions

  • Trimming: clipping the branches and foliage of a tree in such a way as to promote its growth
  • Pruning: a specific method of tree trimming that is only used in certain particular cases
  • Felling: cutting down a tree, especially if it is diseased, shows signs of rot or represents a danger
  • Grubbing: removing the stump of a tree that has been felled
  • Treatment of diseases

There are a number of trimming techniques, including the following:

  • Cleaning, which reduces potential hazards by removing branches that are dead, diseased, damaged, disproportionate or in poor condition
  • Structural pruning, which helps improve the growth and longevity of the tree
  • Crown raising, which consists of cutting the lower branches, making it easier for sunlight to reach the ground beneath the tree
  • Thinning, which clears away excess foliage from the tree
  • Pruning for disease management, which helps prevent the propagation of various maladies by removing the affected branches
  • Clearance from infrastructure, which reduces the risks of damage while allowing the tree to adapt and blend into its surroundings
  • Rebalancing the branches to restore the tree to its natural shape and correct any defects

Why maintain a tree?

In general, tree maintenance allows balancing the tree’s silhouette, promoting its growth and preserving its health. It’s also often mandatory for safety reasons. More specifically, tree care will serve to do the following:

  • Stabilize the structure of the tree
  • Clean the tree to improve its health
  • Thin out the tree’s branches and crown to reduce the risks of disease and the effects of wind and frost
  • Balance the tree by removing suckers
  • Control the tree’s size while respecting its natural shape
  • Reduce the potential risk of damage caused by tree branches coming into contact with electrical wires, buildings or balconies or by dead branches falling on people or property

For complete maintenance of your trees, call on the team of professional, qualified, experienced arborists at Émondage SBP. They’ll be happy to provide arboriculture service with dedication, efficiency and meticulous attention to detail.

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